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Side A: (1) K'awai (Planting song), (2) Cumbe-Maita (Calls of the Andes) / Side B: (1) Malaya! (My destiny), (2) Ripui (Farewell)

Side A: (1) Jivaro, (2) Sejollo / Side B: (1) Batanga-hailli, (2) Wanka

Side A: (1) Wak'ai (Cry), (2) Incacho (Royal anthem) / Side B: (1) Chuncho (The forest creatures), (2) Llulla Mak'ta (Andean Don Juan)

Side A: (1) Without you (Tres palabras), (2) Old devil moon / Side B: (1) Watch your step, (2) Poodle mambo

Side A: (1) Yawar (Blood festival), (2) Shou condor (Giant condor) / Side B: (1) Sumac soratena (Beautiful jungle girl), (2) Aullay (Lullaby)